International Parenting Day

International Parenting Day

Utilizing the power of parents from all around the world as we harness the strength of Tefillas HaShela – Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

Watch in your time zone, at your convenience. A new stream will begin every 30 minutes. 

Starts erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Monday night, 8pm, for 24 hours.


Spend just 15 minutes to help ensure your child’s success!

There will be an additional special women’s program with Rebbetzen Slovie Jungreis-Wolff and Rebbetzen Dina Schoonmaker.

To download a copy of the Tefillas HaShela, click the button.

As the Shelah Hakadosh writes, “We are obligated to daven for all of our needs since everything comes from Hashem. A person must be especially careful and expeditious to daven that his children be upright and have all their needs met.”

Why Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan? The Shelah continues, “ …My heart tells me that the most appropriate time to daven for this is Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan since we received the Torah in Sivan and we are called the Children of Hashem.”

חל עלינו חובת התפלה ובקשה להשם יתברך בכל צרכינו, כי הכל מאתו יתברך, על כן בכל מה שיצטרך האדם בכל עת ובכל שעה, ירגיל על לשונו תפלה קצרה להשליך על ה’ יהבו. ובעת הפעולה יאמר בכל צרכיו לשם יחוד קודשא בריך הוא ושכינתיה, רבון העולמים הצליח דרכי כי מאתך הכל וכו’

וביותר צריך זירוז להתפלל שיהיה לו זרע כשר עד עולם, ואגב כל צרכיהם וזיווגם, מה’ יצא הדבר. ולבי אומר שעת רצון לתפלה זו בערב ראש חודש סיון, הוא החודש שבו נתנה התורה, ואז נקראים בנים לה’ אלקינו

Daily Empowerment

Daily Dose videos on parenting and inspiration. 

Watch previous videos. 

We are all great parents. 

We know that we are our children’s only advocates to ensure that they progress. We know that our children need our undistracted attention to grow into healthy well-balanced adults. We know that we need to spend more time thinking about what else we can do to make sure our children succeed.

We also know that even with our best intentions we don’t always have the time to stop and ask ourselves “Am I doing enough? Can I do more?”


This is why Yedidim (a project of EPIC Families) is proud to announce an EPIC Week for Parents concluding with International Parenting Day.

We will reflect, rejuvenate, and become empowered and inspired to help our children maximize their potential!

This will be a global event available to parents all around the world!!

Want to watch the International Parenting Symposium replay? Send us an email to [email protected]

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